
Portfolio Optimization

The optimization is based on historical data. The result doesn't mean it is the optimized portfolio for the future.I n fact, It's very likely that it isn't.

Start with imports (use pip install pandas-datareader if it's not installed):

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as pdr

Get selected coin historical data from Yahoo Finance (free). These three coin is specificly selected for this example after a few trial and error. They form a good portfolio optimization example. Clearly, ot all combinations of coins and dates will give similar results. 

data = pdr.DataReader(['BTC-USD','ETH-USD','BNB-USD',], 'yahoo', start='2021-06-12', end='2021-12-30')
data = data.Close
dly_return = data.pct_change().iloc[1:]

The result is a simple dataframe with daily percentage returns:

Create randomly weighted portfolios and calculate their performances:

port_ret, port_std, port_weight, sharpe = [], [], [], []
num_asset = len(dly_return.columns)
num_port = 500
dly_cov = dly_return.cov()

for _ in range(num_port):
    rand_weights = np.random.random(num_asset)
    rand_weights = rand_weights / np.sum(rand_weights)

    rand_returns = np.sum(dly_return.mean() * rand_weights)*365

    rand_std = np.sqrt(,*365, rand_weights)))

    rand_sharpe = (rand_returns.mean() / rand_std.mean())
portfolio = {'Return': port_ret,
             'Std': port_std,
             'Sharpe': sharpe}

for i, symbol in enumerate(dly_return.columns):
    portfolio[symbol+'_weight'] = [Weight[i] for Weight in port_weight]

portfolio_df = pd.DataFrame(portfolio)
column_order = ['Return', 'Std', 'Sharpe'] + [symbol+'_weight' for symbol in dly_return.columns]
portfolio_df = portfolio_df[column_order]

The resulted dataframe looks like:

Next, find optimum retururn, minimum std portfolio weights based on risk levels: 

max_sharpe_port = portfolio_df[portfolio_df['Std'] == portfolio_df['Std'].min()]
min_std_port = portfolio_df[portfolio_df['Sharpe'] == portfolio_df['Sharpe'].max()]
target_std_interval = [1, 0] # select your target risk level to see the best return portfolio
maxret_by_targetstd = portfolio_df[(portfolio_df.Std < target_std_interval[0]) & (portfolio_df.Std > target_std_interval[1])].sort_values(by='Return',ascending=False).iloc[0]

Min Std Portfolio:

Return            1.121176
Std               0.802215
Sharpe            1.397600
BTC-USD_weight    0.004903
ETH-USD_weight    0.586632
BNB-USD_weight    0.408465

Max Sharpe Portfolio:

Return            0.763374
Std               0.681481
Sharpe            1.120169
BTC-USD_weight    0.865129
ETH-USD_weight    0.021218
BNB-USD_weight    0.113653

Max Return Withn 1 Std Portfilo:

Return            1.146073
Std               0.831619
Sharpe            1.378123
BTC-USD_weight    0.002784
ETH-USD_weight    0.916076
BNB-USD_weight    0.081140


Visualize all portfolios with spotted Max Sharpe and Min Std:

portfolio_df.plot.scatter(x='Std', y='Return',
                          c=portfolio_df['Sharpe'], cmap='YlGnBu', edgecolors='black', grid=True)

plt.scatter(x=max_sharpe_port['Std'], y=max_sharpe_port['Return'],
            c='red', marker='D', s=200)

plt.scatter(x=min_std_port['Std'], y=min_std_port['Return'],
            c='blue', marker='D', s=200)

plt.xlabel('Port Std Dly')
plt.ylabel('Avg Returns Dly')
plt.title('Coin Portfolio Performances')


Find all optimum portfolios:

from scipy.optimize import minimize

def get_ret_vol_sr(weights):
    weights = np.array(weights)
    ret = np.sum(dly_return.mean() * weights) * 365
    std = np.sqrt(, * 365, weights)))
    sr = ret/std
    return np.array([ret, std, sr])

def portfolio_std(weights):
    return get_ret_vol_sr(weights)[1]

def portfolio_return(weights):
    return  get_ret_vol_sr(weights)[0]

bounds = tuple((0,1) for asset in range(len(dly_return.columns)))
init_guess = len(dly_return.columns)*[1./len(dly_return.columns),]
target_returns = np.linspace(0.8, 1.1, 10)
frontier_volatility = []

for target in target_returns:
    cons = ({'type':'eq','fun': lambda w: np.sum(w) - 1},
            {'type':'eq','fun': lambda w: portfolio_return(w) - target})

    result = minimize(portfolio_std, init_guess, method = 'SLSQP',
                         bounds = bounds,constraints = cons)


Visualize all optimum portoflios as the efficient frotier:

portfolio_df.plot.scatter(x='Std', y='Return', edgecolors='black', figsize=(10,8), grid=True)
plt.scatter(x=max_sharpe_port['Std'], y=max_sharpe_port['Return'],
            c='red', marker='D', s=200)
plt.scatter(x=min_std_port['Std'], y=min_std_port['Return'],
            c='blue', marker='D', s=200)
plt.plot(frontier_volatility, target_returns, 'g--', linewidth = 3)
plt.xlabel('Port Std Dly)')
plt.ylabel('Avg Returns Dly')
plt.title('Coin Portfolio Performances')